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Episode Two: Authority Always Wins

Emerson Howell’s life is changing…and changing fast. In this second episode of The Animalist Code, Emerson investigates a secret animal agriculture facility where pigs are being genetically modified to meet the demands of the food system. When the FBI comes knocking on Emerson’s door, his life as an animal activist—along with his special powers—is about to be revealed. Find out what happens when Emerson is kidnapped by a mysterious man who works for the animal agriculture industry. Will he be able to use his powers to escape, or will authority win?

Here’s What Fans are Saying:

“Refreshing…something we all need right now.” –David D.
“I couldn’t put it down.” -Charlie F.
“Loved this book…It was both exciting and thought provoking….A story with heart and passion.” -Spladao
“It’s a fresh take on an oversaturated genre.” –Tyler C.

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